Bedtime Stories with R.A. Spratt

I have created this podcast of bedtime stories. But really they’re stories for any time of day. And they’re all read by me in my weird Australian (and sometimes a little English) accent. There are Nanny Piggins and Friday Barnes short stories, as well as other short stories I’ve made up. You can listen to the most recent five episodes here using the player below. Or check out the whole back catalogue on your favourite podcast directory.

And if you’d like to support the podcast you can make a donation here…

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'The Golden Fleece' as told by Nanny Piggins Bedtime Stories with R.A. Spratt

Nanny Piggins tells another tale from the Ancient Greek story days. This time about the origin of the Golden Fleece. It turns out it didn't really come from a sheep.Support the show at the Show.To purchase merchandise visit… information about live shows use this link… buy one of my books use this link…
  1. 'The Golden Fleece' as told by Nanny Piggins
  2. Friday Barnes and the Case of the Missing Passports
  3. 'The Story of St David' as told by Nanny Piggins
  4. 'Theseus and the Minotaur' as told by Nanny Piggins
  5. 'The Story of Hermes' as told by Nanny Piggins