Live Shows

***I will be booking theatres to stage this show in December 2024. Details will be posted here when it’s all locked in. I’m hoping to do the show in Canberra, Sydney and Brisbane this year and perhaps one more city.***

In this whirlwind of storytelling, R.A. Spratt (best selling author of Friday Barnes and Nanny Piggins), will be performing her favourite Christmas tales.

This will be high energy, action-packed, side-splittingly, hilarious storytelling at it’s festive best, and featuring Christmas carols written by Nanny Piggins herself. This is the perfect family show for anyone who enjoys a good holiday season giggle.

R.A. will be available to sign books after the show.

*** I will be performing this show in the second half of 2024. I’m not sure where at this stage, but I’m hoping Perth. I will post details here when I get a theatre locked in. ***